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Workouts 101: Best Practices
Workouts 101: Best Practices

The basics of the workout builder.

Updated over a year ago

Building workouts in Coach Catalyst is easy, but how can you be more efficient or make the builder work better for your business?

Here is what you can find in this article:

The Breakdown: Program > Workouts > Blocks > Exercises

There are 3 places you can build workouts. Two of these places are under the programs tab, the other is in a client's account on the journey.

In the video you can see going into programs > creating a new program > adding a workout.

If you deliver workout programs to clients like a 12-week program then you want to assign the program to a client, this is the ideal way to build it.

Block(s) will be found inside a workout, these are the sections of your workout.

Block Ideas: Warm Up, Power, Core, Strength, MetCon, HIIT, really any title that works for your style.

Exercises are going to be the smallest unit of a workout. This is the individual movement you are choosing a client to do with the sets and reps.

The other ways to build workouts by creating templates can be found here.

Supersets + Trisets + Giant Sets

Creating supersets, tri-sets, and giants sets is as simple as dragging and dropping the exercises in the set together. Go from A-B-C to A1-A2-A3:

Adding Your Own Exercise (or edit ours)

You can add and edit exercises any place you are creating a workout, but if you want this edit to be for all of your future workouts, you will want to edit under Programs > Workouts > Exercises.

To edit an existing exercise (note the purple editing a global element):

Create your own Exercise:

Don't forget to grab the exercise video link when you create your own exercise

Creating Templates to reuse and edit for individual clients

You can create templates or reusable workouts from in this order:

  1. Programs

  2. Workouts

  3. Create New

  4. Workout

You will then be able to build the workout to be able to add to a client's journey. When you add the workout template to a client's journey, you can then edit or customize the workout for that individual client without changing the template you created.

When you edit the workout, you can set the workout to repeat for every (day of the week) for the number of weeks you want it to occur. When you have finished editing and are ready to save, the pop-up will ask if you want to disconnect from global, YES. This is what will keep your template as is and will not make a copy of this workout into your workout section under programs. Check out the video;

Using Workouts for In-Person Sessions

There are a lot of options on how to use the software when working with your clients and the best way is based on how you run your training sessions. Here are some of our suggestions:

Web: I see 1:1 or small group/ semi-private training coaches do this by having multiple tabs open, sometimes these coaches also have the client running the workout from a tablet or cell phone. The client views the workout and the coach can edit/make changes as they go.

Tablet or App: This works great for 1:1 sessions or large groups. You or the client can have the workout open on the device and can be adding weights and notes while you go through the workout. For large groups, clients will each need their own device like a cell phone and they can record workouts in the app during the session.

If you are running small group or semi-private training, I have found each client having a device to run their workout on along with the coach having their computer does allow for a smoother experience.

The Client View (and Client Preview)

Here is what the workouts look like on the app for a client:

You have the ability to preview a workout as a client to view client results from the web. Select the client > go to the client's journey > select the workout you want to view > click mobile preview

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